Knee Replacement
The knee is a complex hinge joint that allows flexion and extension as well as slight rotation. The knee is made up of three compartments. Two compartments exist between the femur (thigh bone) and the tibia (shin bone), both of which are cushioned by a meniscus.
The other compartment is between the patella (knee cap) and the femur. Despite being the largest joint in the human body, the extreme forces put through the knee make it at risk of injury and degeneration.
David offers key hole surgery to repair or tidy up torn fragments of the meniscus that is catching in the knee or causing pain. However, when the damage or degeneration is too significant knee replacement is often needed. Knee replacement surgery is now one of the most commonly performed procedures worldwide. It can be performed as a total knee replacement, where all of the compartments are replaced or a partial knee replacement where only the worn compartment is replaced.
Most patients find that a knee replacement improves pain and function, but not all patients benefit equally. While this can be for multiple reasons David believes in individualising each knee replacement to ensure the kinematics of the knee are optimised for each patient. David also believes in preserving unaffected compartments to make the knee feel as natural as possible.