Spine Surgery
The spine is a remarkable structure made up of many interlocking segments that work together to provide flexibility, support, and protect the spinal cord and nerves.
Due to its complexity and the ongoing demands placed on it throughout life, the spine is susceptible to injury, leading to pain, reduced function, or nerve damage.

Dr. David Kieser is a specialist in treating complex spinal conditions. Using cutting-edge surgical techniques and state-of-the-art equipment, he delivers tailored solutions to restore spinal health.
David is a strong advocate for minimally invasive spinal surgery, ensuring precise restoration of spinal balance for long-term well-being. With a particular focus on elite contact sports and complex spinal disorders, his approach prioritises effective, lasting outcomes for his patients.

A slipped or prolapsed disc can cause significant back or limb pain, as well as nerve issues. A discectomy involves removing the damaged disc fragment to relieve pressure on the nerves and reduce pain. Dr. David Kieser offers this procedure to restore comfort and improve function.

Over time or after an injury, the spinal canal or nerve passageways can narrow, leading to pain or nerve dysfunction. Decompression surgery removes bone and soft tissue around the spinal canal and nerve roots to relieve this pressure. Dr. Kieser performs this procedure to help alleviate pain and restore nerve function.

Cervical Disc Replacement
When a disc in the neck becomes damaged or degenerates, a cervical disc replacement may be necessary. This procedure involves replacing the damaged disc with an artificial one to preserve neck movement and prevent further damage to surrounding spinal segments. Dr. Kieser offers this solution to maintain spinal health and mobility.

Spinal Deformity Correction
Spinal deformities, such as scoliosis (side-to-side curvature) or kyphosis/lordosis (front-to-back curvature), can develop in both children and adults. Severe cases can lead to pain, imbalance, or nerve issues. Dr. Kieser performs surgery to correct these curves, improving posture and relieving symptoms.

Interbody Fusion
Interbody fusion involves placing an artificial cage between the vertebrae to stop painful motion or support a decompressed spine. Dr. Kieser performs this procedure to prevent spinal instability and ensure long-term relief from pain.

Sacro-iliac Joint Fusion
The sacro-iliac joints connect the spine to the pelvis, and while they have limited movement, they can still be a source of pain. As a last resort for patients with persistent sacro-iliac pain, Dr. Kieser offers fusion surgery to stabilise the joint and alleviate discomfort.
Advanced Technologies

Endoscopic Spinal Surgery
This minimally invasive technique involves performing surgery through a small tube using a fiber-optic camera. Dr. Kieser uses endoscopic spinal surgery when appropriate to minimise tissue disruption and promote faster recovery.

Navigated Spinal Surgery
Using real-time imaging, navigated spinal surgery provides precise guidance for complex cases where anatomy is challenging. Dr. Kieser employs this technology to ensure accuracy in difficult procedures.

When greater precision is needed, Dr. Kieser uses microsurgery, enhancing visualisation with a surgical microscope for more accurate, detailed work.

During surgery, neuromonitoring tracks the nerve signals to ensure they function properly throughout the procedure. Dr. Kieser incorporates this technique to safeguard nerve health during complex surgeries.